Art Baxter



    My COMICS CONVENTION Appearances for Fall 2019

    I will be appearing at CARTOON CROSSROADS COLUMBUS (CXC 2019) and the MASSACHUSETTS INDEPENDENT COMICS EXPO (MICE 2019) this Fall! I'll have a lot of my comics for sale as well as small paintings and prints. I'll also have two free mini comics to give away.

    CARTOON CROSSROADS COLUMBUS (CXC 2019) will be on Saturday and Sunday, September 28 & 29, 2019, at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, 96 South Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. It's a free event with plenty of free parking in the Library's garage. This will be my third appearance at CXC (I was at their first show in 2015)!

    The MASSACHUSETTS INDEPENDENT COMICS EXPO (MICE 2019) will be on Saturday and Sunday, October 19 & 20, 2019, at at the University Hall at Lesley University, 1815 Massachusetts Ave (Porter Sq.), Cambridge, Massachusetts. It's a free event. This will be my first appearance at MICE!

    I am also hoping to appear at one more show by the end of the year. Stay tuned!



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